Removal of micro-pollution
Using powder activated carbon to effectively adsorb man-made trace substances
ProMinent also provides cost-effective solutions for challenging jobs in municipal waste water treatment: micro-pollutants are effectively removed by a complete system for accurately metering powder active carbon.
Requirements - Removal of micro-pollution
Man-made trace substances or micro-pollutants are substances which don't break down easily, such as the remains of medicines, plant protection agents or industrial chemicals. Conventional waste water treatment cannot adequately remove these trace substances from waste water. So they build up in watercourses and natural environments, where they cause a toxic or hormonal imbalance, thereby threatening ecosystems.
The metering of powder active carbon in the last stage of municipal waste water treatment systems has proven effective at eliminating such micro-pollutants.
TOMAL, a dry feeding specialist within the ProMinent Group, has developed a highly cost-effective and efficient complete system for the elimination of trace substances that wets and suspends the powder active carbon in a dust-free process and accurately meters it.
Suitable products - Removal of micro-pollution
Contact us
Mr. Vikalp Tripathi
Managing Director, Heidelberg ProMinent Fluid Controls India Pvt. Ltd.