BelloZon® CDLb ensures clean drinking water
The decisive factor for the health and performance of farm animals is the drinking water. This is why a Belgian pig breeding company uses proven and economical disinfection technology from ProMinent for water treatment.
New, better, more professional
Due to an expansion and the desire for professionalisation, a Belgian pig breeding company engaged the specialised company Indufarm N.V. The project goal was to improve the efficient treatment of drinking water for the approximately 9,000 animals. Indufarm N.V. from Ruiselede in Flanders is a solution provider for pig, poultry and cattle breeders. In the field of metering technology, the company has been working exclusively with ProMinent Belgium for several years. Due to the positive experience with previously supplied products, ProMinent's competence was again relied upon. The convincing factors were precise metering pumps, proven system technology as well as correct measurement and documentation of the water parameters. While drinking water foranimals is not subject to similar legal requirements as drinking water for humans, a suitable quality is absolutely decisive for animal welfare and the associated safe production of food.
Key data:
- Treatment of drinking water for pig breeding company with 9,000 animals
- Water disinfection with chlorine dioxide system BelloZon® CDLb
- Treated water quantity per day: 50-60 m3
- Dosing of active ingredients and disinfectant solution with gamma/ X pumps
Reliable disinfection with BelloZon® CDLb
In April 2019, after one week of installation by Indufarm N.V. and other specialistcompanies involved, the new system for drinking water treatment for animals was started together with ProMinent Belgium. The solution includes: The chlorine dioxide system BelloZon® CDLb (12 g/h) for water disinfection; a solenoid-driven diaphragm metering pump gamma/ X type 1602, a type 1604 for pH value regulation (acidification), a type 0708 with self-venting dosing head without bypass as well as a gamma/ X type 0424 for metering medications. In addition, three UV-LP systems with Vario-Flux high-power lamps of different output were installed, among other things for the chemical-free disinfection of the water storage tank. The measuring and control device DULCOMETER® diaLog DACb monitors all water parameters and is used specifically to maintain a stable pH value, which is continuously measured with a pH sensor. All components are connected with the DULCOnneX Gateway. It allows users to access all information of the installed devices and systems remotely via smartphone, tablet or computer.
Healthy animals deliver high-quality products
In livestock breeding, the interaction of several factors in the health chain such as hygiene, dietary supplements, active ingredients, functional safety of the drinking water technology and water treatment is decisive. By installing the ProMinent components, the pH value is reliably regulated in the desired range, and the water storage tank is safely disinfected by means of the UV lamps. Thus, a reduction in the content of certain ingredients as well as in germ contamination guarantee the required biological and physicochemical quality of the drinking water for animals. The operators of this pig breeding company are fully satisfied with the new system and the provided possibilities for professional monitoring and control. The smooth project execution by Indufarm N.V. and its partners, the high-quality equipment and the support from ProMinent Belgium are additional benefits. Clean and high-quality water – a must for breeding farms and a basic requirement for healthy animals.
- Professional water treatment with chlorine dioxide system BelloZon® CDLb
- Reduction of operating costs due to minimal use of chemicals
- Precise dosing of disinfectant solutions and required active ingredients with state-of-the-art solenoid-driven metering pumps gamma/ X
- Continuous measurement of the water parameters and monitoring of the pH value guarantee suitable drinking water quality (compliance with EU regulations)
- Connection of all components with DULCOnneX enables user-friendly control, monitoring and documentation of all measured data
Used Products - BelloZon® CDLb ensures clean drinking water
Contact us
Mr. Vikalp Tripathi
Managing Director, Heidelberg ProMinent Fluid Controls India Pvt. Ltd.